Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kick the Porn and Relish Real Life

Check out my guest post just up this morning over on Jeff's blog MySuperchargedLife. He has a great life hack blog that discusses budgeting, getting the most out of life, and now: pornography! Thanks Jeff for your coaching and editing to help me take a more positive approach and get the article right!

1 comment:

  1. I found some interesting statistics about the relationship between pornography and divorce.

    - The Internet was a significant factor in 2 out of 3 divorces (Am. Academy of
    Matrimonial Lawyers in 2003 –
    - Pornography use was correlated with an increase in infidelity of more than 300%. (Other factors may have also contributed to the infidelity, but it was a factor.)
    - 56% of divorces involved one party having an obsessive interest in porn.
    I just learned about this new software –
    For couples that are trying to work together, do you think this could be helpful?
