couples remember a time when sex drew them together, made them want to
cling hungrily to each other. Making love magnetized them, and so
magnetized, they wanted even more sex.
Oh, to spin 'round again in that happy circle!
Is it still possible? Or does monogamy inevitably foster monotony? It sure seems to for many couples. In a response to my article on Corey Allan's Simple Marriage blog, a reader I’ll call Josh wrote:
personal weakness is for watching strip teases.... What I find
thrilling is seeing a beautiful woman with a great body who is proudly,
happily, and excitedly stripping her clothes off for her special viewer.
I’m turned on to her excitement and willingness to share her sexiness.
wife suffers from very low self-esteem. She thinks her body is ugly,
and the thought of doing a strip tease for me terrifies her. I’ll agree,
she doesn’t have a model body. But I believe that if she had that
confidence, she would be very sexy to me. She used to be addicted to
pornography to dull the pain in her very unfortunate teenage life, so
she knows the ‘standard of sexiness.’ She won’t allow herself to believe
she’s sexy, therefore, until she has a supermodel body. Personally, I
get very discouraged because I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.
One reason I go to pornography is because I have a need to feel deeply
attracted to a woman, and though I love my wife and she’s my best
friend, her insecurities prevent her from being deeply attractive to me.
am drawn to pornography because I want to feel that thrilling
attraction to a young woman. I fantasize that she is my mate, and that
she is willing to give me that sexual excitement over and over again
because she loves me. However, when my wife finds out about this
situation, she is very hurt. She feels that she has been replaced, and
becomes frightened that she will be tossed aside and abandoned,
confirming that she is worthless. It’s a lose-lose situation.
pornography also lowers my self-esteem. It makes me feel like an
animal. When I’ve been watching it often, I undress women I pass in the
street in my mind, then evaluate them based on their sexual excitement
potential. I generally tend to have far more passionate sex and more
intense orgasms, but that’s because when I’m making love with my wife in
the dark, fantasies of making love to the women I saw on the screen
send my imagination into overload. Then, I am left feeling depressed
that all of those beautiful women are not my mates, that my mate is
really not that sexually attractive at all.
watching pornography is extremely exciting and a motivating factor
pushing my wife to be a sexy partner, I also feel guilt about watching
it, it leads me to be dishonest with my wife and my employer, and makes
me feel disappointed in my wife and feel regret for marrying her. It
also makes me critical of her, which pushes her in the opposite
direction of healing from this problem. I am therefore doing everything I
can to eliminate pornography by attending a weekly addiction recovery
group with other men who have lost their wives and children because of
that alone is not the answer. I am desperate to figure out what can be
done that will help my wife gain the confidence and the emotional
security to feel that she can open up with me sexually and be a really
fun and enticing sexual partner.”
Josh and Kaitlin are in a downward spiral. Their problem is shared by many couples.
sexual sensibilities have been so swayed by pornography, we’re now more
focused than ever on appearance and performance. Our porn-saturated
minds have been backed into a corner of consciousness during sex.
Heightened awareness loops back and forth between the brain and the
genitals, what we’re seeing and how we’re doing, but rarely ventures
anywhere else. Outside stimulants (pornography or even another human
being) are there to be "consumed" as "input" by the brain in order to
have the desired effect on the genitals, which hopefully then has the
desired effect on the dopamine circuits of the brain, and so on. Our
partner becomes little more than "the other body" rattling around within
an otherwise vacuous energy system.
be emotionally on our own during lovemaking is particularly lonely.
Don’t misunderstand, I’m not suggesting that it disconnects a couple
when one partner gets lost in the depths of delight at the cusp of
orgasm. Neither does stimulating one's own genitals during sex. Rather,
the human connection is hindered rather than strengthened when a
porn-saturated partner is routinely "out of it" during sex, "lost in
their own world," allowing their interest in their own stimulation or
performance to eclipse this living, breathing human being who would like
to connect with them. Sex, which can so potently attach us to our
beloved and electrify the relationship becomes just another mood
altering drug. Being another person’s fix can feel pretty empty.
more deeply personal, emotionally engaged sex life is one of the best
reasons to give up porn and one of the greatest rewards for doing so,
but it requires a new approach. It's a challenge to practice
relationship-oriented sex when auto-eroticism has been the familiar path
of least resistance.
Here’s how I responded to Josh:
enhance the likelihood that sex will connect rather than detach the two
of you as partners, pay attention to the loop of energy and
communication that flows back and forth as you express and receive
physical affection from Kaitlin.
the two of you begin to come together physically, focus on what you
feel in your heart when you attend to her. Then, let the touch of your
hand on her shoulder blade, the press of of your hips against hers,
express that energy. Look into her eyes to see what’s in her heart. Are
the signals you’re sending by way of your touch making it all the way
down into her soul?
not yet. That’s okay, keep trying. Use your voice. Might your words and
your mmm’s and aaahh’s pierce through the fog of separateness and
reestablish that precious soul-to-soul link? By way of your voice,
convey your feelings. Messages so sent need not stop at the ears or the
brain. Let them reverberate more deeply.
and lips and tongue and even genitals may be the concrete means of
communication, but the messages are being sent spirit to spirit.
yourself receive her words, her touch in the same manner. Making love
in this way awakens entirely new possibilities and vitality. You’ll rise
above the stimulant/brain/genital loop that has isolated you from
‘refreshing’ input from Kaitlin, this real, live, warm, breathing, human
focus turns from appearance and performance to mindful attunement to
what’s real now–two individuals and a dynamic mix of feelings, sights,
sound, textures, and smells. Lovemaking as a vehicle to connect
soul-to-soul and mingle your very essence with hers brings a new level
of excitement and immediacy. Porn, sex toys, and your wildest fantasies
can’t hold a candle to what emotional connection does for sex.
the two of you are becoming intimate, what if Kaitlin expresses
hesitation and self-doubt? Ask her to give you the gift of staying in
touch with what is genuinely passing between the two of you instead of
reverting to what she thought she saw in the mirror earlier in the day
or the sexual trauma that occurred back when she was single. Keep your
mind on her when it’s used to wandering to the strip teasing mental
mistresses. You may keep the light on so that you can look deep into her
eyes in hopes that she will see that you don’t want the dissatisfaction
of mutual disconnection anymore. Express your willingness in this way
to really be with her here and now.
is another human being giving you the gift of her attention. If she
feels insecure and her eyes downcast, she is being emotionally real with
you in that moment. Don’t regret that, be with her there, in that
feeling. Let it into your heart. Then let your heart respond to that and
convey that response by way of touching her cheek, looking at her,
embracing her, vocalizing words and soothing sounds. It may be
compassion you’re conveying, but also a different view: an appreciation
and a hope that she will allow in the esteem you hold for her and your
desire for her (and
no other woman) to come out from behind her shield and play with you
sexually, fully share herself with you. It will require sacrifice to
truly be with each other in this way, but what each of you gain will be
well worth what you’ll be giving up.”
of the discouragement he had expressed, I assumed that Josh and Kaitlin
might have a way to go to get to what I was describing. Imagine how
delighted was to get this response from him the very next day:
you very much for the advice. I spent a good while thinking about this,
and realized that although we have had erotic lovemaking before, we are
not initiating it now. I talked to Kaitlin about this, and we both
realized that my fears of being sexually disappointed and frustrated and
her fears of being a disappointment were preventing us from initiating
erotic lovemaking. We discussed what it took for us. Talking, snuggling,
and then stripping is what we came up with. Then, we decided that we
would set up specific days of the week to do it, so that with experience
our fears will subside and our ability to let go and connect will get
stronger. I also believe it will lead us to have a less stressful
approach to life as well!
you for your post. Connecting with her emotionally is something we’ve
had difficulty doing, in bed and out, but we found something that really
helps. 6 months ago we heard about and tried Harville Hendix’s Imago
Dialogue, and it has revolutionized our communication. It used to be our
conversations were riddled with fear and pain, but after the dialogue,
we’ve both been able to calm our fears and communicate clearly and
listen with a open heart and willing mind. I highly recommend it, even
though it seems weird at first. I’ve also been encouraging Kaitlin to
calm down and ‘feel’ instead of stressing out about ‘performing’ for me.
Connecting emotionally as you mentioned is definitely something I will
be thinking about.”
your lovemaking has become routine? Do you feel cut off from your
partner? Get back to heart-to-heart sex. Let us know
what you learn in the process.
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