
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Life After Porn Project, Day 2: If You’re Free, Shout It From the Mountain Tops

The above title is from Carl Jones, who wrote an essay for Relevant Magazine: 8 Things I’ve learned About Overcoming Porn Addiction.

This topic is # 7 on his list. I love how he puts it:

"If you are free from pornography, listen to me: you need to tell people.

"I had a guy sit across from me bawling his eyes out while telling me he had never met anyone other than me who was free from addiction to pornography. It broke my heart, not because I thought that was true, but because even the free are being quiet. You hold hope for so many. Help them."

You can provide that help in person of course, but you can also do it anonymously here. If you've been off porn for a month plus, comment below about what life's like for you now. One sentence. Or a paragraph. If you have even more to say, I'll publish it as a post. Email me: 


  1. I felt the same way, once (well actually, all the time for many years), that there was no hope of me ever being free from porn. However, I'm over 115 days now porn free, because I finally have the tools, concepts and principles I needed to train my mind away from the porn and toward the good things in life. The best part is the HOPE and feeling of Freedom! Keep fighting! Charles

  2. I have been clean now for several years and can tell all of you that are still struggling that it is totally possible. I still have my occasional mess ups but I talk with my wife about it and let it go. The best advice I could give would be to let go of the struggle. The only way I can avoid this deadly trap is to not think about it at all. I call it the 1 second rule. As soon as I notice that I am thinking about porn I immediately change my thoughts to anything else. It is actually easier than you might think. I only get in trouble when I am focused on it, even if I am focused on not doing it. I Do believe in Christ and I know he has the power to heal. I have felt it in my life. Even if you are struggling now, He will save you. Just never give up and you will make it!

  3. As a pornography addiction counselor and one who suffered with a severe porn addiction for more than 30 years, I can tell you from personal and professional experience that breaking completely free from this hellish addiction is absolutely possible! In the same breath, I can also tell you that it takes a LOT of work and commitment. For decades I tried quick-fixes, half-hearted efforts, and even some periodic counseling and group work. But it wasn't until I was ready to put my whole heart and soul into recovery, and do whatever it took for as long as it took, that I started to make real, lasting meaningful progress. Pornography addiction literally re-wires the brain over thousands of repetitions and often decades of time. It takes time and consistent effort for the "neuroplastic" brain to be rewired to healthy levels. It's a roller coaster ride of progressing, falling, learning, progressing . . .. The key is to be patient, determined and refuse to stop working daily recovery. The changes come gradually and believe me, they are more than worth every single effort and sacrifice. And never forget that in true recovery there is no longer "me" but rather "we." Connecting to and having daily interaction with a network of support is essential to long-term recovery success. Most of all, learning how to let go of shame and unworthiness, and literally tap into the marvelous power of grace and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, is above all the most important source of strength and aid.
